57 Free Gore Stock Videos

All gore stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Blood, Halloween, Murder, Scary, Death, Creepy and Dangerous.

Bloody zombie walking

Bloody zombie walking slowly down the corridor of a mental hospital on a Halloween night.

Taking a blood sample at a crime scene

A coroner's hand taking a blood sample from a pool next to a bloody body on the floor of a crime scene.

Droplets of blood fall onto white surface

Extreme close up view of blood slowly dripping on to a white surface, an ominous sign that a victim is being tortured.

Torturer chooses implements with helpless victim

After approaching his bloody victim who is chained in a dark room, a man ominously touches his victims' face before selecting a pair of tweezers from a tray full of torture implements.

Tray of torture implements in front of a bloody victim

Looking across a tray of steel torture implements, including scalpels, dissecting scissors and tweezers. As a captured and blood-covered victim breaths heavily, chained to a staircase in a dark chamber.

Killer intimidates torture victim with tweezers

A sadistic torturer waves a pair of tweezers in front of his victim, who struggles to move his head away from the weapon.

Killer admires their blood-dripping hammer

Blood drips from a hammer, held in the bloody and bandaged hands of a homicidal torturer. Wearing plain clothes, this is a disturbing scene that indicates a victim has been murdered.

Blood-stained pipe wrench placed amongst weapons

A bloody pipe wrench is placed on a tray alongside other weapons of torture. A close up of the killers hand then grazes the pliers, as the next gory weapon they are going to use.

Killer picking up torture weapon from the floor

From a pile of weapons in a dark torture chamber, a killer picks up the hammer and menacingly approaches his blood-covered victim.

Struggle of torture victim chained to a chair

A desperate struggle from a bloody torture victim as they try to escape their chains in a dark and disturbing chamber.

Close up of chains binding a torture victim

Close view of a victims' blood-stained hands bound by chains, as they try to move within the bonds. Unable to free themselves in the dark and gory room.

Blood droplets fall onto a white surface

Disturbing droplets of blood splatter over a white background, this close up panning view indicates that a victim is being tortured to death.

Bandaged hand picks up a murder weapon

Droplets of blood fall from the bandaged hand of a killer as they pick up a grinder to torture a victim, the table is strewn with other gory implements.

Man in lab coat puts on latex gloves

Scary man in lab coat puts on gloves in a blood spattered room.

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