251 Free Home Activity Stock Videos

All home activity stock video clips can be downloaded for free, without watermark, to be used in your next awesome video project under the Mixkit License! Also check out Home Life, Woman, Home, International Womens Day, Night, Living Room and Healthy Lifestyle.

Huge river with lots of vegetation and a seagull

Large river surrounded by abundant and dense trees and mountains in the distance, on a sunny afternoon, while a seagull turns low over the water.

Profile face of a sleepy girl looking out the window

Close shot of a young woman in profile, looking out the window, in the dark of the night, while giving a big yawn.

Bored kids playing chess

Two boys and a girl, sitting on a sofa, playing with chess pieces, on a boring afternoon.

Father and son playing piggyback

Father and son playing piggyback in a room, while the two smile and have fun.

Watering plants in a garden

Plants in a garden, while being watered with a green watering can, seen up close.

Cleaning the house dancing with music

Young woman cleaning the living room of her house while listening to music in her headphones and dancing happily.

Woman exercising in her living room

Woman exercising in her living room, doing push-ups, surrounded by many plants and with incense.

Girl doing sit-ups lying on the floor

Girl doing sit-ups, lying on the wooden floor in a white room, with bed, wardrobe and a shelf.

Young woman dancing while watering her plants

Young woman watering her plants on the terrace of her house, while dancing happily to music from her headphones.

Mother and daughters in a kitchen dancing

A couple of girls with their mother in a kitchen dancing and jumping, while cleaning.

Restless woman with insomnia trying to sleep

A restless young woman lying in her bed changing positions while trying to fall asleep, in the dark of the night.

Father and son reading a book together

A father sharing a book with his son, both lying on a bed with white sheets.

Young man watering his garden on a sunny day

Man watering with a garden hose, with grass, flowers, plants and trees, with a big house in the background, during a hot sunny day.

Father and son with a didactic toy

Father playing with his son with a fun educational toy on the floor of a bedroom.

Person watering plants in a garden

Person in a home garden waters plants and flowers directly from a metal watering can on a sunny day.

Woman washing her hair while taking a bath

Back shot of a young woman washing her hair while taking a bath.

Woman with insomnia lying down at night using her laptop

Face of a young woman lying in her bed while using her laptop, in the dark of the night, in a vertical video.

Portrait of a woman trying to sleep in her bed

Portrait of a young woman with insomnia, lying in her bed trying to sleep, looking at the ceiling and then turning around and looking at the wall.

Young man doing push-ups on the floor

Young sports man doing push-ups on a mat, seen up close, as the shot approaches, looking at the young man in detail.

Woman practicing yoga on a mat

Woman with a tattoo and dressed in sportswear, stretching with her legs on a mat, with focus on her feet.

Father and son doing push-ups together

Father and son dressed alike doing push-ups in a room with a wooden floor, a bed on the floor, and a ledge in the background.

A visible looking worried woman walking through her tiny apartment at night

Worried young woman with insomnia walking back and forth through her elegant small apartment illuminated by a striking lamp, at night.

Face of a sleepy woman lying in her bed

Face of a sleepy young woman, lying in her bed looking at the walls, while closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Girl meditating in her room with incense

Girl meditating in her living room with incense, breathing deeply, surrounded by plants.

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